June Event-Breakfast & Behind the Scenes Tour

June 23 Event
Breakfast  & Behind the Scenes Tour of the Orange County Courthouse

John Ames, CFM Facilities Director at the Courthouse will be our host!

The complex includes a 23-level courthouse tower, stands 416 feet high, and has over 965,000 square feet of interior space. High-volume courts, Clerk of the Courts, and the jury assembly area are located in the tower's four-story base. A special purpose courtroom is located on the 23rd level. The courthouse is flanked by two buildings occupied by the Public Defender, Building A, and the State Attorney, Building B.  This is a unique facility with very unique challenges! Come learn from another FM about his facility and gain insight.

June 23
8am- check in and breakfast
8:45-10am tour

All registered must be prepared to go through security screening upon entering.  Act like you are boarding a plane...same items are prohibited.  

$25 Members/guests from same company
$40 Non members