Welcome New Members!
Thank you for deciding to join the award winning Greater Orlando Chapter of IFMA! Your membership will give you many opportunities to meet with others in the facilities management profession, participate in great educational luncheons and roundtables, have access to educational scholarship opportunities and do your part to make this chapter even stronger.
If you haven't already done so, please take some time to navigate through our website, learn more about our chapter, board and upcoming events and set up your Profile Page for the directory. (Click on the "Members Only" area in the center of the front page of the website.) This is especially important for our Associate members so the FM's can find you when searching for a particular service or product. Please make sure you list a category or categories for your business so you don't miss out on opportunities. You can link up to five categories.
PLEASE NOTE: There can be a 7-10 day delay between the time you join and when you will be able to log on to the Orlando Chapter of IFMA's website. This is because all new member information goes directly to the IFMA International Headquarters first in Houston, Texas. Once your application is processed and approved, they will notify us we have new members and then our Chapter Administrator will upload your member information onto our website directory. We will do our best to get you in the system as soon as possible and you should receive a welcome email message that will provide you with your Chapter log-in information.
Your log-in information is your IFMA ID# and the initial password is: ifma2016 (or whatever year you joined IFMA). We encourage you to change your password the first time you log on to make it more secure. If you have any trouble logging on, please contact our Chapter Administrator, Renee Perrin at 407-251-6632 or email chapteradministrator@ifmaorlando.org. This login gives you "Members Only" rights to view our Member Directory, get discounts on upcoming programs, socials and tours and other member's only benefits.
Please remember to be mindful of our membership information. Sending mass emails to members to promote your company is frowned upon and usually has the opposite effect desired. The best way to meet other members is to come to the events and get involved like joining a committee so you can network alongside your peers and potential clients.
Please look for an invite to our next New Member Orientation and plan to attend this insightful, interactive discussion. If you would like to preview the presentation: New member orientation
on how to get the most out of your membership. In the meantime, here's a few tips:
- Active participation - don’t just pay your dues, start participating in Chapter events right away!
- Involvement - get the most out of your membership stay connected. The more you put into your membership, the more you will get out of it!.
- Help influence the direction of the facility management industry in which we work. Join a committee or workgroup!
- Spread the word, encourage professional membership.